

Hollowed Heart

In hollow heart, a sorrow resides
A grief that gnaws, a pain that won't subside
A gem, a love, a treasure so divine
Lost forever, leaving only tears to mine

I played with it, favored it with glee
Thought it was better, superior to see
But now it's gone, and I'm left to decay
A victim of my own actions, day by day

I killed the love, the beauty, the light
With my own hands, in the dark of night
I thought I knew, but I was blind
And now it's gone, and I'm left behind

Time, oh time, why must you flee so fast?
Why can't I turn back, to love that will last?
But alas, it's gone, and I'm left to mourn
A sorrow so deep, a heart that's torn

In this dark place, I sit and I weep
For the love I lost, the love that I keep
In memories, in dreams, in sorrow's embrace
A bittersweet reminder of a love that's lost in space

Oh, how I yearn, how I long to turn back time
To hold it close, to make it all rhyme
But fate is cruel, and fate is cold
And now I'm left, with a heart that's old

© let the other yous do the writing for you