

Title -"My ideal day, my mind's eye's work of art."
Oh, my ideal day, a tale
of delight,
A whimsical journey, pure delight,
I'd laugh and dance, and sing with glee,
In a world where everything is possible, you see.

I'd visit a land of candy canes,
Where lollipops grow, and gumdrops rain,
I'd taste the sweetest treats, you ever did see,
In a world where imagination runs free.

A sleep with what a
wondrous dream,
A tale of joy, a symphony serene,
From dawn's first light, to sunset's glow,
A day that's filled with laughter, song, and flow.

With the sleepy eye's, i did
take a ride,
On a magic carpet, through
the sky,
I'd soar above the trees, so high,
And watch the world below, with wonder-filled eyes.

The sky would be a brilliant green & blue,
A canvas of clouds, a work
of art too,
The wind would whisper
tales of old,
As I soar on the wings of a dragonfly, bold.

Oh, my most ideal day, a day
so divine,
A day that brings me joy, a day
so fine.
I wake up early, with a smile
so wide,
And jump out of bed, with a playful stride.

I wake with sunbeams dancing on my face,
And jump out of bed, with a playful grace,
I bound and leap, like a
spring lamb,
My heart full of cheer, my
spirit aglow.

I twirl and spin, with a
carefree grin,
My heart filled is with glee, my
soul within,
I swing and sway, in a funny way,
My laughter reechoing, as I
frolic the day.

In the morning, the sun would shine bright,
A golden glow that chases away the night,
The birds would sing their sweetest tunes,
As I dance in my PJs, groovin' to the beats.

I'd start my day with a big
ol' grin,
A cup of coffee or tea, & a slice of sin,
A croissant or a muffin,
oh so fine,
To fuel my adventures, one
and divine.

I sing and spin, in my
favorite spot,
My yodeling echoes, as I dance and hop.
I twirl and spin, with such gleeful grace,
My heart is light, my soul
is in place.

I iron my clothes, with a twinkle in my eye,
My clothes so crisp, my heart takes flight,
The clock ticks on, but I'm
not aware,
I'm lost in my world, without
a care.

I head to work, with a spring in my step,
My coworkers smile, as my pen dance and leap.
We laugh and chat, as we go about our day,
Our office is merry, in a
playful way.

I type and tap, with a rhythm
so fine,
My work, a symphony, of
pure design,
The office beckons, but I'm
not shy,
I dance my way, with a twirl
and a sigh.

I dive into my work, with a happy heart,
My imagination soaring, weaving a work of art,
I swim in my imaginary world,
My presentation a masterpiece, my words a whirl.

The day wears on, but I'm
not done,
I still have time, for some fun
in the sun.
I grab my pencil,brushes, and a canvas so bright,
I draw & paint, with all
my might.

I create and dream, with a heart so light,
My art, a reflection of
my delight,
I swim in my creativity, so free,
My mind soaring high, with glee.

The day flies by, in a blur of joy,
A kaleidoscope of laughter, love, and employ,
I savor each moment, I cherish each second,
My ideal day, a treasure,
a true gem.

The sun sets low, the day is done,
But my heart is full, my soul
has won.
I dance,pray and sway, with
a grateful heart,
My ideal day, a work of art.

But then, oh joy! A break arrives,
And I escape to a world of dreams, surprise & comprise.
I soar on wings, through
the sky so blue,
And dive into the sea, with a splash anew.

I close my eyes & swim with fish, dance with dolphins,
My mind's eye runs wild, in a whirl of spin.
I taste the salt, & my face
feels the breeze,
My senses alive, in a
world of ease.

I return to earth called home, with a heart full of cheer,
And cook a meal, with a twinkle in my ear.
I savor each bite, with a smile
so wide,
My taste buds dance, with a joyful stride.

Oh, my most ideal day, a day
so divine,
Where cooking and cleaning, a symphony of mine.
I dance and sway, while the pots and pans sing,
As I whip up a feast, with a wink and a fling.

I don my apron, a
colorful delight,
And into the kitchen,
I take flight.
The aroma of spices, & umami a
wondrous treat,
As I chop and I stir, with a rhythmic beat.

I chop and dice, with a flair
so fine,
My knives and spoons, they jump & dance in time.
I hum along, as the aromas
fill the air,
My kitchen a symphony,
beyond compare.

I add a dash of sweet love, & a pinch of spicy fun,
To every dish, my culinary run.
I serve with a smile, and a twinkle in my eye,
As my guests laugh and savor, they cannot deny.

And as I eat, I dream of more,
Of days so bright, and adventures galore.
I cherish this day, this ideal day,
A day that brings me joy, in
every way.

But the fun doesn't stop, as I move to the next task,
Cleaning and ironing, with a playful ask.
I sway and I sashay, with each pass of the cloth,
As I make my home shine, with a joyful oath.

I joke and laugh, with my mom by my side,
We share a bond, that's so
pure and wide.
We talk and laugh, as we go about our day,
And make memories, that never fade away.

She talk about life, and
all its glee,
And how we're lucky, to be alive and free.
We laugh and giggle, like two silly fools,
And our laughter echoes, through the house's rules.

She recites her poetry, with
such grace,
I listen with glee, and with a twinkle in my face,
Her words are like magic, a wondrous sight,
They make my day shine, like the morning light.

We spend the day, in a world
of our own,
Laughing and joking, under the sun's throne,
No cares or worries, just joy
and delight,
My ideal day, is a pure delight.

We have a pasta picnic, at home garden so green,
With sandwiches and lemonade, oh so serene,
I listen to her stories, with
such glee,
My mom's tales, are a
treasure to me.

We watch YouTube, and
joke all day,
And I show my mom, YouTuber's silly ways.
My mom, she's the best, and I'm so lucky to have her,
And our bond, it's unbreakable, like a feather.

And when the day is done, and the sun sets low,
I dive into my imagination, and let it flow.
I swim in my fantasy world,
oh so free,
Where I dance & get drenched, float on the waves, sing with glee.

I sometimes bake in the evening, with a smile so wide,
And the aroma of pancakes, my tummy can't hide.
I sit down at the table, with a
big grin,
And we chat and joke, like we're best of kin.

I spend my Sunday baking treats,
The aroma of sugar and flour, oh so sweet.
We giggle and joke, our hearts full of cheer,
Our bond, like glue, strong
and clear.

After brunch, i head out to play,
The sun shines bright, our
spirits soar.
I chase butterflies, and dance in the rain,
My laughter ringing out, like a joyful refrain.

I take a walk through the park,
The trees sway gently, their leaves rustling in the breeze.
I climb a small tree, and sit in the branches,
Legs dangling, my hearts
full of ease.

I spend the rest evening
at the beach,
The waves crashing, the sand between my toes.
Build sandcastles, and have
a contest,
My laughter and shouts, a symphony of joy.

But then, the day's
half-gone, you see,
And I leave, for my world
of unreality.
I sit and watch, as the TV beams,
My favorite shows, my dreams and schemes.

I live in a wacky world, beyond the movie screen,
Where heroes soar, and
villains gleam.
I dance & sing alongside, with gleeful cheer,
My heart, so light, my spirit clear.

The sun would set, with weird colors bright,
A fiery sky, a wondrous sight,
I'd watch the stars blink & come out, one by one,
And dance under the moon, until the day is done.

My most ideal day, a work of art,
A tale of joy, a celebration
of the heart,
A day filled with laughter, and love, and glee,
A dream come true, for you
and me.

And when the day is done,
and night,
I snuggle close in my quilt, with all my might.
My heart full, my soul at peace,
My ideal day, a sweet release.

Thus here's to my ideal day,
A day of wonder, every day a day of play,
A day that fills my heart
with delight,
A day that makes my spirit
take flight.

So this is my ideal day, a day so bright to write,
Where blogging, working, cooking, cleaning, and fun,
takes flight.
I live life to the fullest, with a twinkle in my eye,
And cherish each moment, until the day I die.

© Aneemkp