

Traditional hand prints
A pattern of portrayed traditional hand prints is fading slowly.
Sketched with deep hopeful devotion in a moment of glory.

A strange known name hidden in this beautiful, colorful art
Indicates new journey of hopes and dreams with fresh start.

A puzzled situation guides towards the pre destined place.
Bags filled with emotions and sentiments will soon get replaced.

Shades of this art illuminate numerous invisible question marks.
Million queries alarming for response like sound of singing larks.

Behind the mysterious prominent wall, who knows what exists .
Destiny pauses all fields of life to play its role, which no one can resist,

Color,cast creeds will are useless in the field of destined relations.
Tawakkal is putting your full trust and faith in creators'ordained decisions.

Faces and complexions benefit not a single field of destiny
Pure hearts and souls are enough to formulate powerful remedies.

Fear knocks with loud sound to raise sharp abnormal heart beats.
Thee have mercy on my faith , wrap my dreams with golden sheets.