

Hello, Death
" Behold my presence, mortal
Count your sins and fear my wrath "
" I was expecting you, my ultimate
Conclusion. Hello, Death "

"Hey human, you dare
Don't you fear me? "
" You were following my footsteps all along
I always felt you near me. "

" But now, I finally see you, Almighty
Here you are, to make me free
I wanted to die a long time ago
My duties couldn't let me "

" The world is full of cruelty,
Selfish people with no mercy
Living under the smokey skies
Swimming across the dead sea "

"A World, where people speak, but not talk
Where people hear, but not listen
Living here is of no good
Here, I have got no mission "

" I can't live in this darkness
No more with this dread
Unable to digest today's meal
Worrying about tomorrow's bread "

" Do me this favour
Do me this pity
Bound me with you
And end my duty "

" The Screams of Sorrow
Suppressing my voices
Dreams or responsibilities
Want to get rid of the choices "

" In this Demolished Society
There is nothing to cease
Break the chains off me
I beg you, Please "

" Please end my troubles
By stealing my breath
And disintegrate me in to the
Elements, my lord, my Death "

" Oh my dear, young one
You can die with ease
But Your soul will wander for eternity
And will never find peace "

" The world is not dark
The darkness is in your eyes
Wash them with the Holy light
Vast your vision, do not concise "

" You haven't seen the world yet
There is so much more
There are journeys with no footsteps
And mysteries to explore "

" You can never win, boy
Not until you lose
It's true, life gives you choices
But why choose? "

" With a stab of a knife
Do not end your bond
But walk the path in front of you
You never know, what lies beyond "

" The Life is full of surprises
Changing rapidly with numerous factors
Deal with them with a smile, dear
Don't make pessimistic, your character "

" I cannot accept you, lad
You have got so much to learn
People have to find their purpose
You have got yourself to earn "

" You haven't overcome me, dear
But what you wish isn't your aftermath
Pursue yourself with a few more breaths
'cause soon, you'll meet your ultimate death "
© Sanदेश