

In between the stars
In the dark night sky
And in between the stars
I found you,
And when our
Eyes meet, my
Heart skip a beat.

Admiring your beauty
The way your eyes
shined, like it had
A little bit of Stardust
In it.

And all the constellations
She had seen in,
You, standing under the
Moonlight, as the gentle
Breezes whispers to you.

In between the stars
Far away from the
People, a love bloomed,
It looked like you &
I am standing under the
Dark night sky,
The waves gentle
kissing our feet.

Like the planets,
We collide,
To experience the
Beauty of falling
In love with you
Once again.

And in between
The stars I found
US, a melody to
Be sung,
A masterpiece
That will heal
All the broken hearts
In the most beautiful
Place, In between the
Stars I found you,
A love so true.

© alpha Stella