

Don't give our relationship a name!
Some bonds shine brighter without a name, like the moonlight that guides us in unseen ways.

Don't give our relationship a name

Don't give our relationship a name,
Let it stay free, untouched by claim.
Not everyone knows, and that's alright,
The source of all moonlight.

Don't give our bond a formal thread,
Neither in rhythm nor melody spread.
It's the music of soft harmonies,
Showering gently in all directions' breeze.

Not everyone knows, and that's okay,
The source of all moonlight that lights our way.
Those village lamps, how could they guide?
To find the path, you look to the stars and stride.

Don't give our relationship a name,
The world can't see, they won't understand.
The victorious seek their goals in constellations,
And we, too, find our place in unseen vibrations.

Don't give our relationship a name,
Let it be what it is without any fame.
Not everyone knows where the moonlight begins,
But it warms us, lights us from within.

Thank you for reading 🙏🏻


© Live alone