

Stairs to Heaven
Knock !
Stairs to heaven to see my mother
All clouds around soft & fluffy
Floating around calmly
Inbetween the stairs to heaven
Way to a different world of Angles
Souls, departed before the time,
leaving their loved ones crying in ths world for them.
I went happily stairs one by one
untill i opened The Door to Heaven..
Sweet scented magical fragrances
surrounded me , making my senses in a fit of unconsciousness
i steped inside this world amazed,
seeing many images in human forms, but of light forms,,,
My eyès searched my mothers face
i asked in my heart where are you
i came from so far , just to meet u
please find me ,i know no way here..
this is your world...!
where GOD has kept you ..
my eyes filled with tears,
so many eyes were looking at me
As if am something strange in their world.
i started crying and calling my mother
far ,far, amidst the fog !
I saw my mother coming towards me smiling , i ran as fast i could
to hug her, to hold her hands,
To talk with her ,to say her how
much i miss her.
i came standing very close to her
My face all wet with tears
As i wanted to hold her hand
I wanted to touch her, but could not touch her.
She was an Angle now in a light form
i screamed....Mamma plz come back in this world where ur family is there.
There was startling sounds of
thunder and lightning and
heavy rain fall, all thick dark outside.
And i got up from.my sleep with these sounds..so frightening
I came to this world from my
unconscious minds journey
to visit my Mother.........

© kaira khan