

Ready or not

Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold...

Times of the unforseen
Past and future sheds light in a sharp beam.
That unfolds the climax, so stay keen.
You'll get aroused. No contrabands so no need to fiend.

Pay attention to the small details.
Trust me, you won't fail.
Hold my hand in the dark and I'll guide you like brail.
Soft to the touch. Starting a leak with no bail.

Start slowly like toffee.
Once started, inertia kicks in and everyone wins in this game of monopoly.
Around and around, swirling done swiftly and properly.
Even if it's a little sloppy.
Smooth silky, never choppy.

Blissfulness and satisfaction
Ate everything, no ration.
Pure pleasurable satisfaction.
Skin to skin. Buttery passion.
No discipline but there was some soft lashing.

© venkatjamespersaud