

The Jealous One
His name was Dyck Rytlyin
He was jealous
He was stuck with jealousy
He was a narcissist
Didn’t ever give a damn about anyone else
He was rich
He had money
He lived in a mansion on the side of a cliff
He was a robber
He was the leader of a gang
He’ve been in prison
He’ve been in jail
His house is all messy
Junk and crap everywhere
He lives alone
But that suits him fine
He looks like a wealthy person
He looks like King Midas
He had all the money he needed
But he wanted more
He hated everything
Except for his gun
That’s all that he loved
And that he would lose
He wanted more money
More and more money
He would die
Just to get his hands on gold
He went out one day
Pistol in hand
Went in the mall
And threatened to shoot the cashier
He wouldn’t fire
He’s not a demon
He’s afraid to do such thing
The cashier knew
So she didn’t care
So he hesitated
Pistol in hand
The police came
And put him in jail
The cashier was safe
Nobody was harmed
But the pistol was gone
Gone forever
And the one left with nothing.
© Sunset_is_always_there