

journey from mermaid to a boundwomen

The girl who got married in her early days
forgets her childhood water plays,
she wanna be a fairy 🧚‍♀️ to her parents,
but who knows the society's fear soaked her dreams.

Not get proper education and becomes a wife,
Numerous new relations and responsibilities on her shoulder,
she has to create new memories,new chapter in a new folder.

Within years she become a mother of two.
nothing going right as she had decide.
Her inner soul whispering into her ears ,
just give a try to find yourself.

whatever you have decide to study hard, learn computer, become a successful women who would be self dependent,
who live her life the way she wanna be.

Distraction may lead to another way of her wishes,
how she was dumb fall in love with another young musketeers,
forgetting her surroundings of husband,child's and society fear.

whispering nature time to time
but self determination stay you focus into a straight line.

© Amusing_saha 😇