

Castigated I was 
Me who smiled during tough times
Cried at beautiful moments
And laughed at the ironic world
           Castigated I was
Me whose tears flowed 'unreasonably'
Me whose laughter rang like 'clasters'
Me whose smile shone for everyone
Me who loved to give and hated to get
                    Castigated I was
Me whose words were refered to as sweet
Me whose voice sounded through my actions
Me whose hands were open to opportunities
Buh cared not about the wonders of the world
                             Castigated I was
Me whose eyes shone in the dark
Me whose smile made heads turn
Me whose lips were painted by nature
And dared not to be mad
                           Castigated I was
Me whose presence never went unnoticed 
Me whose appearance provoked my sex
Me whose existance made them envious
Yet I knew not of the power I possessed
         Castigated I was
'She's a slut' they said
Me who knew not about the pleasures of the night
'She's a brag' they said
Me who had not a thing worth to brag about
'She's rude' they said
Me who knew not how high my voice could go
'She's a whore' they said
Me who knew not the taste of a man's lips nor the length  between his thighs 
Others rolled their eyes at me 
Calling me names in the silence of their thoughts
And words I knew not what they meant
  Castigated I was
Being friendly was the cause
To boys who said 'Hello'
Our conversations limited to life
And never to matters of the heart
Castigated I was

poem by Nimbus feels
© nimbus feels