

this is a real story, the boy exists in real, i am his friend
In a school where laughter reigned,
Amrit Bera, a boy who often sustained
The jokes and jeers that pierced his heart,
But deep inside, innocence set him apart.

His study percentage, lower than most,
Became fodder for laughter, a mocking host.
Yet his spirit remained untouched by scorn,
A gentle soul, with sadness deeply worn.

A smile he wore, a mask to conceal,
The weight of his sorrows he'd silently deal.
Helping others, his heart always did extend,
But never receiving aid, he stood alone in the end.

No friends to share his joys or fears,
He turned to writing, a refuge through the years.
In stories, he found solace and release,
A world where his imagination found peace.

One day in biology class, a moment of glee,
Amrit, like a child, collected papers with glee.
Fearful they'd find their way into my bag,
The whole class erupted, laughter like a rag.

Even the teacher joined in the mirthful tide,
As Amrit's innocence was on full display wide.
But let us pause and reconsider our jest,
For beneath the surface, his dreams are repressed.

We must cease the teasing, the hurt we impose,
And nurture his confidence, helping it grow.
For Amrit, just like us, strives for success,
And our support can help him rise, no less.

Let us be the friends he longs to find,
In his stories, let inspiration unwind.
For his words hold power, a world unexplored,
In his mind, dreams and aspirations soared.

Amrit, dear boy, know you're not alone,
Your talent, your heart, they brightly shone.
The laughter may fade, and friendships will bloom,
As we embrace your uniqueness, dispelling the gloom.

Together, we'll stand, supporting your quest,
To reach for the stars, to give your best.
For laughter can bring joy, but also pain,
So let us choose kindness, and break such a chain.

In the halls of learning, let empathy guide,
May Amrit's spirit soar, his confidence abide.
And as his stories unfold, may we all see,
The brilliance within him, waiting to be set free.
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