

Two moons
In the realm of dreams, a tale unfolds,
Of a world whispered, of secrets untold,
I wandered through an evening late,
Pale sky, prelude to a tempest's fate.

I glanced upon the beach, waves crashing high,
As if the ocean wept, in sorrow's cry,
But then, my gaze shifted up above,
And beheld a sight that shook my core with love.

Two moons hung in the sky, mysterious and grand,
One drenched in silver, a purple hue it scanned,
The other full silver, untarnished and bright,
As if locked in a celestial cosmic fight.

Dark clouds cloaked their ethereal gleam,
Casting an eerie glow on this surreal dream,
The wind roared vehemently, wild and untamed,
As confusion and awe in my heart were claimed.

In haste, I called my friends to witness this view,
To marvel at the moons and skies so askew,
Yet when they arrived, all was normal and calm,
No trace left of the scene, like a forgotten psalm.

Was it a vision, a trick of the mind?
Or a glimpse of a realm we can never find?
The dream remains etched, a haunting illusion,
A reminder of powers beyond our conclusion.

For a dream can unveil a world unknown,
Where wonders exist, until morning has shown,
So cherish these dreams, ephemeral and rare,
As they whisper of mysteries, we'll never fully share.
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