

there's no one there
Totally alone!
Ive always tried so hard to be whatever I could be to make everyone happy,
Compromise myself over and over again just to keep a friend,
What is so wrong with me that people just seem to vanish,
Good people dont come near me,
So I desperately cling to people who only use me,
Just cause I cant stand being alone!
As a kid I barely had friends
Spent my time in my head...only further stunting my ability to hold a conversation,
I talk and am disregarded time and time again,
So much that I dont even know how to adequately even express a thought,
The thoughts I do muster the courage to say come out all choppy and messed up so im written off as a weirdo,
There is so much more to me that no one sees,
Deeper layers that will never be acknowledged,
So I allow myself to do things for others who dont even like me,
I compromise myself worth--forget self esteem, I never even had it,
I do all this just so I wont be alone!!
For just even one second of someones attention...im so sick of feeling alone!!
But I always will--cause Im not worthy, I suppose.
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