

In a world where strength lies within,
Let not your spirit waver or thin.
Seek not approval, be true and bold,
For your worth, dear soul, can't be bought or sold.

Embrace your power, like the sun's warm light,
In your heart, let confidence take flight.
For the journey ahead, trust in your way,
Let self-acceptance guide each passing day.

The approval of others may fade like a breeze,
But your essence, dear one, will forever appease.
Believe in yourself, stand tall and complete,
Your strength is unmatched, a masterpiece so sweet.

Remember, dear soul, your value is pure,
No need to seek approval, that is for sure.
Embrace your uniqueness, let it shine through,
For in being yourself, magic will ensue.
© Saheba Parveen Parkash
#motivational #inspirational #emotions