

I knew that you were hurt,
My heart was about to burst,
with the dying thirst.

Sorry, that's all I can say,
No words can define how sorry I am today.
The regrets,
Then the Guilt.

I felt it,
in a way that made me cry about it.
I am sorry, I am sorry
For letting you believe me.
For letting you trust me.

You still don't know the reason,
with seasons that changes through out the years.
And here I am.
Guiltily lying on the cold hard ground.
My heart that pounds,
the every second that it beats, I can feel the heat.

The heat of the anger for myself,
Again I am sorry,
I think it's much better if this is a Farewell story.

You don't need to remember me,
You can just forget about me.
Farewell my friend and love..I'm sorry. again.