

I have learnt something about life in these 20 years of my existence on this land
Life is lived to the fullest by the people who are unorganised and unplanned

I have always been a systematic person who can never function without a plan
Who needs a detailed description of anything before hand

Being systemic and an organized person is a great feeling
it helps to make up a decision or an action
But i guess it's not the best when it comes to healing

Because healing is a messy process
Sometimes you feel wonderful and sometimes you just feel poccessed

I use to believe it would be very hard for me to forget you
But then I saw you happy, peacfull and pretty relaxed with my absence
So I reminded myself that i could also be peacefull with your absence only if i allow myself too

But I have learnt something today
No matter how hard you try to organise them in your life
They will some day , with thair own willingness gonna slip away

But that's actually good right?
Because then you don't have to blame yourself for the rest of your life
You don't have to carry the baggage of giving up; so tight
Because you didn't !
If only in future they miss you, and find a reason why you moved on they have to look within

Within themselve , where did they go wrong
How was it so easy for them to break something so strong
And eventually they will find an answer or actually they do know it
But till then it will be to late for you to think "atleast i could have stopped her and understood just a tad bit"
© MayAp