

Echos of Absence
When you realize you have separation anxiety,
The fear of losing someone cherished,
And the inability to return to familiar routines.

When you realize you have separation anxiety,
Drawing away whenever closeness grows near,
Preferring solitude over the uncertainty of parting ways.
Intrusive thoughts weave through my mind,
I grow attached to the status quo, resisting change when it arrives.
And if I cannot hold it at bay,
Then tears flow until calm returns.

My separation anxiety surges, heart racing,
My stomach clenches tight,
Hands trembling in unease,
Breath catching in my throat.

So I take the cautious path,
I hold back.
When comfort edges too close,
Intrusive thoughts pierce, warning of impending pain.
Once more, I withdraw,
Vanishing into the shadows—
This is how I shield myself.

Could it be my insecurities,
That transmute into this anxiety?
It's like an unconscious act,
Yet I'm keenly aware when people approach.
I fear they'll depart,
Perhaps it's all a facade,
And their fondness for me is feigned.

My insecurities has its claws clenched around my fist,
For I evade connections with others—
It seems safer this way,
It's better to depart than endure pain.

© Silent whispers 💙