

The secret in the word
The Bible, a balm for the soul,
Healing wounds, making us whole.
A reviewer of our hearts' desire,
Strength in times of burning fire.

Love letters from God above,
A tool to guide us in endless love.
A watchword to keep us on track,
Our lover, our heart's sweet attract.

Our strength in times of need,
Our weakness, our hearts' deep seed.
The answer to life's every test,
Intimacy with its words, we must invest.

Let us not forget, as we roam,
A worn-out Bible, a worn-out home.
If our Bibles are not worn with care,
We will be worn out, with no one to repair.

So let us build intimacy each day,
With the Bible, come what may.
Let its words be our heart's delight,
And we'll shine bright, in the dark of night.
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