


I sat under the full moonlight
listening to the solemn waves of the ocean.
Feeling broken and helpless,
I let our past memories together overshadow my complex thoughts......

Do you remember when you had to leave?
I feel a pang in my chest
whenever this comes to mind.
You were so resolute on leaving.

Despite my pleas and devastated state,
you turned your back on me
without hesitation.
It was then I realized something was wrong,

When did your doubts begin?
Was it when you mingled with the S-group
or was it after we attended that party?Questions after questions welled up in my mind and your answers to them-
only left me perplexed.

I remember our visit to the zoo,
I remember our frequent dates
and our sweet harmonious laughter
as it echoes in my ears.
I remember when we first met,
I remember who I was before meeting you.

I've always had a sharp decisive personality
but with your attitude that turned me off,
I was left hanging in the clouds
with no thoughts on what next to do.

Now, here I am
trying to gather my shattered self
trying to heal my broken heart.
Still, I can't help but think about us
even after what happened between us.......

Do you remember our time together?
Cause I do.

© Anonymous A. All rights reserved.