

Yes I am

The golden egg that hangs above the sky

I live in the home,

Where only planes, rockets and birds

Have their road to fly

It can never dim

I can be young and old

Round and bold

Because I am the moon

The natural light that bright when it dark

That light where the cloud layer

And the wind is calmly travelling

The light that shines on the four corners of the world

To light my universe,

I don’t need any fuel, no tax and no security

Because I am natural

My night is a milky way

When I shine, my feet can find their way

Those who bent eyes

Wouldn’t see me that day

I am a bunch of gold

That no one could hold

Because they were told that

I am brood and mould

Some says I am a suckling mother with a child

Seating right inside of me

But I am the moon

I bring to light in the dark

I travel globally in seconds

I am a yellow round gold

I will never get old

I am the moon that pays all staff

Young and old fox and those in fasting are

daily wishing for my end?

Yes I can end and begging

In my fade inn fade out routine

I am the moon

The golden moon

I hardly discover during the afternoon

I am the moon

@Milton D.poet