

You, the ideal citizen
Be an ideal citizen,
You can bring a big change,
By your habits, by your doings, by your thinkings,
You should care your known and also the strange,
You must clean your mind, heart and surroundings.

Be an ideal citizen,
You will be happy and make happy to others,
Maintain good relations with others,
Making enemies and to fight,
Isn't correct, isn't right.

Be an ideal citizen,
Help the poor and the needy,
Never become greedy,
Helping the society is your duty,
And this will increase your beauty.
-Sanvi Gurpude

© Sanvi Gurpude

@Samy6749 @Sans_191 @SukiAM @Dolly12 @gautamkvasu @Cosmo131 @wordsunlimited @sharmaNistha @wallflower @thenotebook_01