

There are moments I must admit
In the midst of the despair
I'm frustrated with the fact
The addict knows, no consequence
If only, they knew how much we care

The exhaustion persist
I give everything I have to give
It seems to never quit
It takes every breath of air
I am looked right in the face
Still saying I'm not there

I will never understand
How this tragic story unfolds
How I fought so hard to pick me up
Just to lose loved ones along the road

How can we  grieve
Our loved ones
The ones that are still here

Never knowing the difference of enabling or are we just being there

At times we are so torn between love and codependency
Secretly wishing that
They weren't even our family

Living with that guilt
Cant help but wonder
Is all of this because of me
It hurts to much
To much to even grasp
Feeling like I'm constantly pulling them and myself from under
Or running from the past

Trying to except the myth
We often tell ourselves
Just maybe they like that life
Then remembering I was there

The hell inside me that existed
My darkest moments
In my memory
They still drifted

I myself, once felt like no one cared
Trapped in the midst of my own addictions
Family all around
Yet, Sticking with my own convictons
As the ones that loved me were frozen
Watching me fall to the ground

So I continue to love the Addict for who they are
I'm not angry with them
It's the horrible disease of addiction
that tore our family apart

Always remember the ones we lost along the way
Even the ones still here we pray for from afar
Never give up hope my friends
Keep Praying for the Addict and Alcoholics
Keep wishing upon the stars
There is proof that some of us see the light
Stay strong
Keep conquering battles
Don't give up hope
Keep fighting that good fight!

© Tendrejoy