

I have a Promise to keep.
I have made a promise to my God,
To help myself by helping cats and dogs.

I have made a promise to my Soul,
To end their suffering, of which its not their fault.

I have made a promise to my Universe,
To give them love which they all deserve.

I have made a promise to my body,
To take care of them, to them; even if I was nobody.

I have made a promise to my Country,
To keep them warm, give them home and feed the hungry.

I have made a promise to my Mother,
To look after them like the King Martin Luther.

To all the promises I have made,
To all the tears that I have shed.

To all the emotions that has lead,
to take this step, to go out and help.

I will keep my promise till end,
Untill I get to all to win this game.

Food, Love and Shelter is the right of every being.
Prove youself by doing so if you are a so called "Human being".