

Just Imagining
I smell like coffee and sunflowers and rain
And i wish you were here to numb the pain
Maybe I'll learn bass guitar or sew
To avoid these feelings I don't know

Maybe I could speak french for a day
Other people dont listen anyway
I could sit down and braid your hair
If its tangled I really couldnt care

The stars are gold and shining bright
They remind me of you tonight
If I could I'd take you away from here
Far away from all the hatred and the fear

Please don't go to some other foreign land
Just 'cuz your life didn't go as you planned
Lay here with me, or we can twirl
I'd do anything for you, my lovely girl.

Oh, welcome to our new home
Deep in the french catacomb
Hidden in the city of true love
From all the strangers above

Their whispers make me crazy
And my memory's a little hazy
But if I hold you close and dear
It won't be as awfully drear

We'll survive this awful flood
Filling our streets with blood
Oh, the worlds crumbling down
But I'd never let you drown
© Alexis Barton