

Nature Upside Down
I didn't know
what you knew so well...
My life swelled compelled
to learn more
running out the door
on a leap of faith...

A trace of three
I hadn't understood,
filled me from my head
to my feet...

How amazing it was, the seed,
just one little seed,
given from Him...

Not about I... Not you, but Him...

You asked, "Can you swim?
Can you climb?
I'm asking one more time...".

And we bussed,
we walked...
Saw rocks and
shallow pools.
We had to climb.

The Great Mystery
moved my heart
He said, "Now is time!".

I had no sage,
No fear, or rage...

Just hope and love...
Thus learning why,
it's about what's right,
forgiveness doesnt always
Thus learning why,
has been added
to my vocabulary.

Turn the page...
with no sage I prayed,
"Dear God please
climb with us... Jesus..."

And though some hang
flags upside down...
I knew I'd never need one...

From my heart
poured little prayers
All the little ones
just murmurs of,
"I know God,
you are one,
and you are here.".

The dearest letters I've
ever spoke are clear,
and invisible to unclear.
Writen in the book, but
clearly invisible here.

His hand moved me
as I flew backwards
facing the sky...

Well... I'm upside down.
Everything is right side up.
I must have sipped from
the cup...
because my foot is stuck
between a rock and a stick.
... guess I made the right pick.

... the waterfall isn't drowning
me, but I wish to be washed...

My head would have
cracked when it smacked,
because I slipped...

Just one miscalculation
on my part...

Upside down art
on His part...

This scenery is so beautiful
upside down.

I never cried...
Never screamed.
I enjoyed and trusted...
His hand I saw
from the sky...

You told me me
you don't remember...

Now, I know why...
I had to give you,