

This is my peal of Africa
I talk of this one country
Which is in Africa's east
due to it's captivating nature
It was indeed named the peal of Africa
which is the joy i don't know about you
Seasons are memorable you see
This is summer
It is not summer at all
Some times you forget completely
Crops come out
With out any issue
They grow
In this season am talking about
Rain drops from the sky
Don't miss in it we see
No hottest day at all

Winter maybe
Rains from above
only we get
Snow once in a while
No damages or disadvantages
These rains stop
Continue where you offseted

Or a day
sunset is incomparable
That reddish brown yellow gold color
it's fabulous
The hot days are fun
The cold ones are beyond
My explanation

Talk of features
Trees 🌲 grow by their own you
When I start to talk about forest it's mabira it has wonderous tress not in the greatest dictionary
Forest exist many of them, don't forget
When it comes to the springs of water
Talk of the Rivers and lakes
The souce of River Nile is here
Am talking of lake Victoria
Became tourist attractions
In many like creatures
They form
like tree 🌲 brunches
Oh many of rock forms
Animals ,what to mention
Oh given birth to
Unbelievable I know
But the truth
Am sure

Mentioned mountains at all?
Many of them found
Mountain Rwenzori with snow peaks
Mountain elgon if I start to mention I won't finish
Minerals you say
Oh wounderous Animal ,creatures of every kind
when you come to my Uganda
You will never wanna leave
But how can you ?
With that beautiful sunset
Or these mountain
These wonderous creatures
rift Valley's picture like lakes or rivers
what to mention what to leave everything in my Uganda what do you want to see it's in my Uganda
Take my words
lay your eyes and glanceBy mazzi Zaharah the proud Ugandan