

A Dance with the Wind
The dances of love’s petals in whisers sighs,
Fleeting tranced fluttering free.
Every blooming blossom has its own saga.
In fragrant whispers, love unfolds.

As they rise to meet, Zephyrs subtle embrace.
The sky lit up by shades so vivid.
Tender whispers, soft and kind,
Intertwined petals of love blown by a wind.

They're gently caressed by the the cold winter breeze.
Ballet of emotions in day and night.
Their tenderness bows in tender curves.
Petals of love do fly in the winds.

Storming and calming of yesterday's healing.
They gracefully dance themselves to death.
Love, a weak but powerful force.
It passes through courses of throttling winds.

Then, let them dance within a circle of life.
Petalled love lulled by the gale.
A tribute paid to eternal love.
Perpetual motley in each petal’s flight.
© jaylinestarr