

Dear Titanic,
You were the one that I called Titanic,
You, I thought was indestructible,
a name carved into cement.

Goodbye Titanic,

My heart lied to me,
You had sunken inside my heart,
But my pool of love still holds you.

Goodbye Titanic,

Your still sailing in my ocean,
Your still floating in the cold water,
People gone, but the strong, memories remain,
Memories inside of concrete.

Goodbye Titanic,

I hold you in comfort,
I hope you find peace,
You were beautiful,
A friend to me.

Goodbye Titanic,

Even of the little fracture I wanted to repair,
Your soul still lays on my hand,
Titanic, you are, the one that many loved,
But sank, and many mourned.

Goodbye Titanic,

You were that Titanic,
Your were that love,
You were that cruise ship who sailed through the ocean.

Goodbye Titanic,

Glowing warm, even in the ice, cold sea,
Glowing warm, when things seemed impossible.

Goodbye Titanic,

Fly to heaven, seek the peace you have been seeking,
I hope your spirit made it to heaven,
You’re such a beautiful being.

Goodbye Titanic,

Such a beautiful soul carved into the ice,
You may not understand,
You may not know what I’m telling you,
But I want you to sense,
From high above.

Goodbye Titanic,

That I wish you finally found the heaven you’ve been seeking,
Days by day, symptoms came,
I sobbed for seemingly hours,
Then day by day,
This day came,
And shock overtook.

Goodbye Titanic,

The North Stars tell me where you are,
But the White Star leads me,

Goodbye Titanic,

This day couldn’t happen, I though you were Titanic,
How indestructible and immortal,
I was wrong, like a name engraved into cement,
I watch as your soul, carried into heaven,
Find yourself in your blue bedding.

Goodbye Titanic,

Come down again,
I may overcome this,
A wave of emotions rush over me,
The melted glacier,
Shock, fear, anger, despair.

Goodbye Titanic,

You reposed peacefully,
You lived your journey,
But I waved my last goodbye to you today,

Goodbye Titanic,

If you can hear me in heaven,
I want to say “Goodbye” for the last time,
I want to hug you,
Even in the ice, cold water.

Goodbye Titanic,

I gaze from afar at your grave,
Your memories freezes me,
Cold, Titanic water, running off my neck,
Your eyes still glow like the stars in the midnight sky.

Goodbye Titanic,

Titanic sunk a long time ago,
But even now, the seemingly perfect ship sunk,
You set sail through a journey,
And you made it,
In my heart.

Goodbye Titanic,

I hope your soul seeks the peace that you have been seeking for.
I will never forget you, nor they days you lived.

To my hamster, To Titanic
© Sunset_is_always_there