

Paper Heart
Letters heart felt fill inkwell quill in hand
Fills in lines measured count finds beat by each
mark drums a word start at touch felt tip pen
digs in as drives down in deeper impressions
more taken at heart held meaningful depths
where words were drawn from held together
as one were written to hold better than pressed in cover bound under loose sheets comes to find a heart of one unread
not for paper,
its heart looks in words first each to louder speak a piece thoughtfully meant so quarrels not in quills run free for feathers unquelled words fly off unleashed with first pressured touch by anger seen to tear as such were carved and cut in scars
to bleed blue ink
not for paper,
its heart colors careless mistakes marked corrections importance needed more read to better speak intent still stands not in silence accented where truth sinks in pools bled to run ink pleads for thought it begs for a minutes pause to consider if what's written meaningful is given up for more when read not by cadence heard and seen attentive when held to rise as chills captivated spines quiver when beauty speaks each word strums heartstrings quicker rhythm races off to seek desire sent to find emotion higher for more then two acquire is one to only find alone were truly once a lifetime given hope in luck by blessing still inspire more value worth investing reassures In interest it returns to spend by currency of time seeing words more currently define details to picture currently in mind
transfixed a heart beats quicker
amount in building reaches more for skies
beyond the sun to climb
til noon retreats below sight of what lines the horizon
finds another day at end for work is done,
not for paper,
Its heart is headed past the sun, moon and stars
beyond lonely nights where hearts become cold and hard deny for any words beyond to ever reply
left in silence another forgotten heart lost written off flickers as barely a glimmer in the stars,
not for paper,
its heart is made for words envisioned to a.r.m. for farther reaches to see unknown peaks
the highest points climatic drives one beat
alone still thoughtful unrelenting to find meaning til complete what image in a finished puzzle seeing better cards dealt understanding from the heart felt in handfuls meaning still fragile being thin as paper
written upon a page more bound less than books bind a spine to lay inwards for thoughts
to grow in strength unbroken bends for words from worse to better hope in wage were care for spoken than in silence they became torn in two for one
not for paper,
its heart is hope still beating in words written for one hoped to still be reading if not to be heard speaking
unlabored as a work in silence not for mistakes when spoken by emotion held at heart low more it trying to let go for what unknown at heart alone to share beyond spare no cost to keep at heart once close and shared for any as a friend, as family, as alove can be, or just for moments from the heart were given to care and speak not left in silence only company this black text and white screen trapped behind ink with only words to write endlessly for what solitary cell now finds imprisoned by a sentence run on for longer than time served convictions more than words proclaim forgotten of at heart for who oneself is written open hearted,
not for paper,
its heart is made for being erased yet fights to stay and not to lose at heart for words to speak
or written ink as meant for paper
were made more than for a heart to bleed,
so written
so many
so unsaid,
words to speak but only
in the silence of one's head
so for depth meaning to be read,
at heart broken right in too lonely
as one were made so left by nature
a heart made of only,
just as one,

for paper.