

Which one are you focus on?

Which one are you focus on?

Which one are you focus on?
P. Diddy arrested or
Another black man lynched?
Which one are you more focused on?
Which one are you more concerned about?
Cos after all, we’re in our own distraction….
Did someone created a distraction for us?
For us to look the other way?
Say go look at another black man who’s doin stupid stuff
Go mock him, laugh at him
Don’t worry about this strange fruit in 2024…
Don’t get angry…turn your head to the greener side….
But to ignore what racism did is another way of dehumanizin
Another black body on a tree…..sayin it’s a foul play….
Doesn’t seem like it…
And yet we as black people
As a race
We’re beyond sick to the point that we wanna mock
Our own brotha who looks like us….yes he was in the wrong….
What about other brothas and sistahs on trees?
We should be allergic to the branches and leaves by now
Cos of trauma that...