

🍀🌱🌿 Nature wishper 🌿🌱🍀
these sandy breeze
tantalized the wisdom..
The harsh beam tanned the vitality..
blamy wind tempted the spirit like venom..

Suddenly the nature wishpers
"Just take a deep breath and pause"
Nothing is permanent not even the cause...

Then sky turned of gloomy in an instant
and started tipping down constant...
Now the trippy ambience
misguiding these drowsy drips
to get vanish into the mist...
All of the anxiety all of the sweat,
tured the turf entirely wet.....

The wipsper of nature
portraying the seasonal beauty in a charming collage ...
Just to make one sense the miracle mirage...

© dreamerpia

#WhisperingNature #dreamerpia #writingchallenge