

The calico and the Boy

In a village, far away and old,
Lived a calico cat, so brave and bold.
It roamed the streets, both day and night,
Performing tricks, a charming sight.

In the village, people spoke,
With solecisms, they often broke.
Their words were tangled, hard to weave,
But in their hearts, they did believe.

The cat, it danced, and brought delight,
In moonlit fields, under stars so bright.
It leapt and twirled, a joyful spree,
Connecting hearts, setting them free.

A boy once lost in shadows deep,
Found the cat, and ceased to weep.
With each new day, his steps were clear,
No more recidivous paths to fear.

Together they wandered, night and day,
In a simple tale, they'd find their way.
In the village old, where dreams were spun,
The cat and boy became as one.

© dreamy poet