

You Left Too Soon...
In the stillness before dawn, she slipped away,
Down paths unseen, like a fleeting shadow at play.
Wild and untamed, she danced in my heart's domain.
She was that petrichor, the wind carries in the rain.

Though miles apart, our love defied the odds,
Weaving dreams above distant lands, beneath disparate gods.
But fate, a fearsome beast, we both dared not tame,
Yet in its depths, we found solace, and a flicker of the same.

There I'm standing by a cold window with my heart ablaze,
Holding remnants of "Us" as fragile as a silk lace.
My words left tangled in desires and regrets,
Two souls entwined, yet destined to forget.

Now I cherish moments, tender and dear,
Grasping at the echoes of laughter once near.
For she was my muse, my favorite nightmare,
Leaving me to wander, hither and thither.

© Karthik Chyawan