

cease love
Ofcourse i remember you.
I remember your voice
and the way you sat next to me...
and how we tied our shoes in silence
and went out to play in the mud,
and it started raining...
and you...stood tall before me...grinning
and running your hands in your hair.

And ofcourse i remember how,
you asked if I was okay, that day i broke my ankle,
and how i imagined you grinning at me from the other side of the road when I stop waiting the lights to turn red.
I remember.your yellow shirt,
no one can look that good in a muddy yellow shirt uk....
and i loved the way u stood defending me, shoulders puffed out and standing tall. a boy acting like a man。
I remember you.
You are my first crush, and love.
You were also my first heart break...
my first...disappointment.
when i stood for five seconds at the door ,
hoping you would come say good bye.
you didn't tho.
Damn...i almost cried that day...
how the hell did you turn me to a child again?
You are my first. Ofcourse i remember you...your name....your voice...
I just can't remember what u look like...
or who you really are.
Or what I liked about you.

I ....
hope we will never meet again tho..
some questions are best left unanswered.
I fear I am in love with the mystery and the questions..
the blank spots in my memory of u...
so let's not meet,
and don't come lookin for me...
lest i see u again,
and you are not anything like u are in my head,
and you cease to be a mystery,
and my imaginary love for you...dissappears....

I love you...I do.
but...Just.....stay away...okay?