

My Soul To Roam
I awoke to the gentlest sounds of .. More of a feeling
In my thoughts. Before they began to recede like a memory
A quickly fading .. favored dream

My eyes open to wonder, my heart trembled inside
I have passed, this is heaven .. Somehow, I just knew
I had died

Upon a hill in the distance stood a city of gold and stone
It bore a look of timelessness, unchanging in its essence though
It appeared to change subtly with each new arrival

With just a thought, I now stood upon the streets unseen
it seems .. Though everywhere I looked I saw multitudes of
different people

All times of ages passed, you could see from their attire
.. Existing as one. People praising God in there heart
In harmony .. As one together

A gentle touch upon my shoulders .. My mother's voice, just
a whisper “Now is not the time son, be at peace. Return to
life .. live again”

I awoke, disoriented. A hospital room. Surrounded by
Those I deeply love. I learned while in recovery .. I had died
.. For over an hour, so they said

I spoke of my experience to many .. Though over time
Their interest faded .. In there thoughts a seed was planted
.. Time shall tell if it will grow.

As for me, for all those I've told. Heaven awaits
This tired soul. If death is near I have no fear. It is to
Heaven .. My soul to roam

💡LightInDarkness 🌑 ©JFO👥2024
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