

he heals
I had no hope in life
Life was so hard I couldn't see light
All I saw was darkness that ruined me
It felt like chains tight on my arms there was no key that I could use
It felt like i was locked inside a cage
i couldn't go away...
For I never thought that I'd be happy again
That even an attempt Id try plan
I was in a dark wide path
were I kept on falling but i asked myself "should I start running as fast as I can"
I don't know what's keeping me here
But all I know that this isn't save
My life was cut off and ended, like a tent that is taken down like a cloth that is cut from a loom
Each time I overthink I'm in this new costume
All night I cried out with pain
As if a lion were breaking my bones
The voices in my head they won't Leave me alone
I tried to talk, but my voice was thin and weak
My heart is bitter I cannot sleep
But what I didnt realize that i have God

I had no hope in life
But once I saw light ,And that light is God
I'd finally saw the things he has done
And that his son was willing to die for my sins and let me have eternal life
He crucified for my crimes,
an eye for an eye
With spikes in his limbs
I will live for him and him only
He said that the bitterness will turn into peace
And he will forgive me for my sins
The dead cannot trust in my faithfulness
He has healed me
He released me from my chains
He has washed away my stains
And with him I will live free
I prayed to him, and he answered me
He freed me from all my fears
He has calmed my storms,
and I've run the race
He said "come to me and i will give you rest"
so i did.