

A shoulder to lean on
A shoulder to lean on
A shoulder to lean on, strong and true
A place to rest, a heart new
A comforting presence, a guiding light
A shelter from life's unlit night

A shoulder to lean on, a listening ear
A gentle touch, a calming tear
A reassuring voice, a caring tone
A heaven, a place to call home

In times of need, in times of strife
A shoulder to lean on, a chum in life
A bond of trust, a connection deep
A friendship that will forever keep

Through laughter and tears, through joy and fears
A shoulder to lean on, through all the years
A constant presence, a steadfast friend
A love that never ends, until the very end

In moments of doubt, in times of pain
A shoulder to lean on, a love that remains
A comforting embrace, a gentle hand
A guiding light, in a world so grand

A shoulder to lean on, a precious find
A treasure to cherish, a heart that's aligned
A connection so strong, a bond so true
A friendship like this forever shines through

— Ananya Mishra