

Heartless hunters.
It's a ride inspired by pain, but you all say it's pride
Don't wanna hide again, for there is no gain. You all give words full of heart felt messages, but it's toxic.
World got no sorrows but full of cunning sorry(s),
Hunting the young ones for today satisfaction with no worries about tomorrow. It's a Beautiful generation with sad intentions, their mouth only shouts the cost of their dignity is priceless, But they forget their value for a dime Demolishing the shelter of their future happiness. I might be a victim but not in the big team, coz i know it's all vanity. hunters are the students hunting their coaches and grandparents hunting their grandchildren.
As the rays splash to surpass through windows, Let's open the eyes to see the invisible because if not, We will be visible carcasses in the casket and the graves will be brave, rich in young generation future dreams with no federation.
© kamau_kagwe/lpm