

School Days

School Days by PRADHOSH.K.M

In the golden glow of morning light,
We'd gather by the school's old side,
Friends and family in joyful sight,
Where laughter and love would collide.

The bell would ring, a cheerful call,
Echoing through the ancient trees,
Our hearts would dance, spirits tall,
Carried on the summer breeze.

We'd share our dreams, our secret fears,
In whispers by the playground's edge,
Stories spun through fleeting years,
Promises made, a silent pledge.

The scent of chalk, the book's sweet must,
The rustle of pages, the scribble of pens,
Moments now softened by memory’s dust,
Yet alive in the hearts of dear friends.

Parents' waves from the gate afar,
Their smiles, a beacon, warm and bright,
Guiding us like a northern star,
Through each day and into night.

In that sacred space, we learned to grow,
Not just in knowledge, but in grace,
Seeds of kindness we’d sow,
In that timeless, cherished place.

Though years have flown and paths diverged,
That corner by the school still gleams,
A beacon where our hearts converged,
A tapestry of childhood dreams.


Feel free to tweak any part of this poem to better fit your personal experience or preference!

© KM.Pradhosh