

They asked what's LOVE?
As a writer, I’m constantly trying to define love, even though I know it’s something I can’t really define. But do I really know what it is? Is there a concrete, same-every-time-you-ask answer to the question ‘What is love?’ Honestly, I don’t know.

Sometimes I don’t know what love is. Sure, I’ve been in love before. I understand the way it changes a person, how it makes someone feel, how two people become intertwined and grow together, how powerful and messy and beautiful it is.

Love can't be described.
It has no shape, it has no form.
Love is not an object.
Love does not conform.

Love enters our lives
The moment we are born.
From the cradle to the grave,
Love's in everyone.

Love burns like a candle
That sometimes flickers but never dies.
Love may be invisible,
Although it's right before your eyes,

Love can leave you empty,
Love can make you whole.
Love can make or break you,
Love is in your soul.

Love is in your heart,
Love is in your mind.
love changeth everything
love can make you smile 😃
Love doesn't discriminate,
Love is always blind.

Love is universal,
It encompasses the globe.
No matter where you are,
Love has a language all its own.

Love is all around you.
There's plenty of love to spare.
You cannot see or touch it,
But love is everywhere.

Love's the greatest power,
And yet it is so small.
Love's a gift from God
To be shared amongst us all.

in all reality, love is about giving everything. All the time.
Love is giving 100% and expecting 0%.

Love is Gift 🎁 From God
To be shared amongst us all, so others can see God through Us…

#inspiration #lovepoems #lovemorenmore💓