


      Hello Mr tick tock clock, Why do you sit there and just stare at Me? How do you manage to spend your entire lifetime in the same place just looking at people?   Is that why they call you watch?.

       Dear Mr tick tock clock. I need some advice. How do you manage to always have time?  How can I have the same amount of time as you?  How can I know enough time for everything I need to do. 

       How can I get enough time for my family and still have enough for my friends? How can I get enough time for school and still have enough time for fun. How will I get enough time for work and maintain time for my relationship?  I feel like my life is sinking ship.... 

       Please Mr Tick Tock clock. Help me clear this mental block. 

        I tried getting my own wrist watch. Maybe I'd always have time on my hands. But all I  can do is watch time go by. I can do nothing but listen to it's melodic sound.  "Tick Tock, Tick Tock" . 

      Honestly I can't tell if it's my wrist watch or if it's a time bomb. Counting down to when I run out of time and everything falls to chaos.  " 5,4,3,2,1" it counts.

"Tick Tock, Tick Tock" it sounds.

© Thomas Trosky ™