

September Song (2021.8.30)
I listen to it every year
Around the same date actually
I guess the title reminds me
There is always a next chapter

As the song starts I'd imagine
Leaves in the wind and waves crashing
The long shadows on the ceiling
Autumn that is yet to begin

I'd turn the music louder still
So that the sound of the piano
Would cover the noise and echo
Of this world of plastic and steel

In the air vibrating I'd hear
Some of us are crying, hating
Shivering, suffering, dying
Over there just like around here

And elsewhere at the same moment
Lovers are kissing each other
Friends are spending time together
Someone's becoming a parent

Soon enough summer will be gone
We'll hear in the streets all around
Children laughing in their playground
And we will need to carry on

Slowly, families will return
To their well known daily routine
And this world, like a big machine
Will repeat the same old pattern

We all know December will come
With fifty shades of cold and gray
May you stay safe, for you I'll pray
Until the next cherry blossom

© --陽晏 (yohann o.)

(Music background -if I'm allowed to talk about it- : September Song, by Agnes Obel)