

Lost in her realm...
Lost in the labyrinth of her mind
A stranger to herself, she's left behind
Searching for a glimpse of who she is
But the more she searches, the more she feels like a phantom

Tired of the masks she wears
Tired of the lies she tells herself each day
Tired of not knowing what's real
Tired of living in a world that's not her own

Who is she? A question that echoes through her soul
A question that haunts her, making her whole
She tries to find her way, through the darkness and the pain
But the more she walks, the more she feels like she's lost in the rain

In the silence, she hears a whisper call
A whisper that says, "You are more than you know"
A whisper that says, "You are strong and you are brave"
A whisper that says, "You are enough, just as you are"

But the doubt creeps in, like a thief in the night
Stealing her peace, stealing her light
Leaving her with nothing, but a hollowed-out space
A space that echoes with the question, "Who is she?"

Still, she holds on to hope
A hope that one day, she'll find her way
A hope that one day, she'll know her name
A hope that one day, she'll be free from this endless game.

© Inkedsoul