

Missing You
Missing you

Everyday when I wake up,
you're the first thing on my mind
Your touch was so electric
Its definitely one of a kind
I'll spend forever waiting for you, then
happiness we shall find.
I wish that just for once, ur pain and past I could just hit rewind.

I'll never Give up you ,
I believe in our love,
For we both know there is no such things as coincidences.
it's all the plan from the man up above.
I promise to be there, even when things are rough.
Even when things come to push or shove.
Your hand is made for mine, it fits just like a glove.

If it wasnt for you, my heart would still be dead.
I wouldnt be sitting here with hopeful love thoughts dancing in my head.
Those 3 sweet words,
It was I love you I think you said.
I daydream about that moment nightly lying there tossinh in my empty bed.

You said it so kind and you said it with such ease.
Now I'm regretting leaving ,
I just want to hear it again . oh please.
Here, just take my heart,
Make this pain forever seize
I want you and I need you. I swear i'll even beg on my knees.

I miss you so much that my heart is hurting for you.
My stomach is sour,
It makes me feel quite ill and quite blue.
I'm going to wait until your ready.
I'm already stuck on u like glue.
But jus so you know before it too late,
I honestly think I love you too #MissingYou