

Sometimes it's hard to tell
If it's rational or irrational
Some say it's natural

Others say that when
Adrenaline kicks in
You unlock your strength that's within

Fear is one of the devil's tactics
It's not a spell or some type of magic
It just happens
But it can put your faith into action

When I call on Jesus's name
Nothing stays the same
There is power within his name
There is a shift in the atmosphere
Where is the spirit of fear?
It is no longer here
The Holy Spirit now dwells here

Fear must leave
When I pray the spirit will intercede
I am no longer bound but finally free
I now feel a sense of peace and security

For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

(2 Timothy 1:7 KJV)

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