

Lost Not Lost
Lost, I see,
So deep in mind sea.
Drowning, we or me maybe.
Thoughts are clashing not so free,
Bound with fear like iced needle,
Stings the heart totally,
So deadly.
The hopes,wishes and dreams are lost finally.
A State can't get out without a misery.

Hey stop it!
I've had your enough sad lost stories mind,
I'm the brain, remember.
I'm drunk on sunlight,
I'll say whatever I feel like.
Let's make you feel real lost.

Ouch! hell noo brain!

Come on!
Lost in the vast flower garden?
with butterflies, birds, dogs and cool kittens?

Or lost in eating delicious fruits, chocolate ice cream and all favorite foods by the ocean?
And you bought this all your own?


Or lost in a adventure to the forest and mountains?
without toxic peoples?

Maybe lost in traveling places with big crowds of strangers?
And you don't even care about any dangers?

Stop now! I feel good.


© Sitara