

Conversations of Darkness: Prisoner of Rage
That's one beautiful child. I love his eyes! He looks very much like you and his mother!

Well, I cannot deny the truth in that.

Enjoy him while he's small, one day he will be bigger than you.

I believe any proud father should cherish that.

What will you name him??"

This name spoke to me. Biblical or not. It's not where the name come from. It makes me feel strong, knowing...
There's a much more deeper part of me, that lives innocently, loves unconditionally and wants happiness for others! This world blessed me to have my own child once again. I am not going to give up on you...


From the moment the light in my eyes have faded to black.

All I remember seeing and hearing

"Dad grab my hand!"
Everything seem to have gotten bigger and I saw myself the size of a toy action figure. My son was a titan in comparison to me and orbs composed of light and ranging in all colors phased in and out of existence. Colors illuminated and danced around our auras.

Reaching out slowly for my son's before falling into continuous space

The whirlwind of emotions surfacing to the living world.
Summoned an violent storm and in the unforgiving, fast winds kinetic energy powerful enough to move actual "rips" in the air.
My clothing were tattered, it looks like I lost a fight. My limbs were nearly filled with abrasions and open cuts. Warm blood slowly dripped onto the ground. It alarms me that it was coming from me, but I was not hurt. I accepted this. If this was the end, my life will not be lived to bring suffering to those loved by me. My rage is worth burying it and myself if needed. My eyes closed wanting to become more than part of the darkness. My life was ready to be surrendered.

This is my fate and it is accepted

"Wake up....nos!!" The viciousness, growled from a strong and barking unfamiliar voice but the presence of this person, gave me nostalgia to mornings where my mother was upset, for I've failed to get up for school on time or day dreaming, instead of focusing on the important assignments.

The cold and loud winds came to screaming and paralyzing cease. Never in my life, have I felt numb to this degree. My delusions have consumed my reality unapologetically. Between seconds to minute intervals, my eyes blinked I was a different person, or version of myself. Seeing my situation from my son's eyes, my own and my shadow twin. Similar to me in every aspect. Differences stands with us, is he wears dark clothing a majority of the time, free of facial blemishes, he's fuller in appearance and speaks in a multitude of different tones compared to anyone met or ever known.

"You decide to lay there and die. Everyone you love and honor, will vanish with me. Hell is nothing compared to the places your consciousness allows you to experience! My promise to you is, your demise will not end here."


Never have it dawned upon...