

Love is Love is Love is Love
Love is love is love is love
Why do we care who loves who
Whether it's a man and man
Or woman and woman?
Love is precious
We should not restrict

Sometimes a man is born in a female body
Sometimes a woman is born in a male body
Some are neither woman nor man
Yet forced to conform to one

We've made leaps and bounds
But the goal is so far out of reach
Power is in the hands of those who discriminate
And not all of that power can be taken away

I say we leap and fly for the sky
It's our world soon, don't wait for permission
Love who you want or none at all
Laws cannot chain your heart
Even if they can chain your body

Love who you want
It's our world to shape
Those who discriminate will one day be gone
Then we're the ones with the power
And we can unlock our chains

I support you and nothing will change that
They try to chain me too
I refuse to bow and I refuse to lie
I refuse to let this be our forever

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