

As the evening comes to a close ,
the birds start calling their siblings .
The stars in a glee dance to welcome the night.
The moon,saying good bye to the sun,steps out.
The shadows walking in the dark too fade
The cuckoo too keeps the wings ajar
for its fledglings to take shelter.
A glow worm gently creeps out
to brighten the path of a lost nightingale.

As the evening comes to a close,
A glorified seat in the injured dreams
calls me back to nurse the wounds.
My silent screams seize me by my hand
The pitter patter of the rain drops
And the hushed silence of the dreams
gently beseech me nurse the unseen bruises.
Alas! once again my empathy betrays my scars.
My steps,quite heavily,take that blood stained seat
The murdered dreams, I calmly bandage.

As the evening comes to a close ,
The silence screams and the loneliness reigns

© S.Bisma.